library presentation

From our presentation at the library, I learned that there are many facets of our library that I did not see before.  There are several useful database that house features such as concept maps and combining keywords for searching.  Also, I found out the there is a chat system that the library implements for students that aren’t currently in the library, but they still need questions answered.
I will take away the knowledge of certain database features.  Along with concept maps, Academic Search Complete can be cited from the website, which eliminates the trouble of having to cite the article ENTIRELY.  Also, I will use the library itself to check out certain books that are either required, or peak my interest.  Our library is much more useful than I thought it was, and Dr. Moniz’s presentation showed me features of the library that I did not know existed before.  Along with the chat system, I saw that you can reserve study rooms for you and friends online so you can partake in group studies without outside distraction, which could have been useful before, considering that I already participated in a group study.

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